Extensions library
The following extensions were developed by VarAC community members. The VarAC team is not responsible for their quality. Please make sure you follow the license agreement of the extensions you use which is determined by the extension author.
VarAC Bot
By Sergio Dias, CR7AXH (31CT021)
Receive VarAC real-time alerts on the go through the Telegram instant messaging mobile app. Receive Beacons, CQs, Broadcasts, Vmails and VMail relay notification with SNR and related info. Alerts are sent ONLY to your private Telegram account.
Launch date: 24/2/2023
Type: Open source
Project page: LINK

VarAC Cloudlog Uploader
By Kim Huebel, DG9VH
VarAC Cloudlog Uploader is a script that starts a service to upload log-entries from VarAC to your Cloudlog-instance.
Launch date: 22/7/2022
Type: Open source

VARA Radio Web Services (VRWS)
VRWS server is designed to bridge between VarAC users and the internet. By running a VRWS server you can allow other VarAC users to connect you and surf the web.
Launch date: 14/5/2023
Type: Open source