My Windows is set to German, but all the VarAC texts are in English. This makes for a narration with a terrible accent. :) It would be nice if the TTS voice was set to English.
It does strike me as a hack to change the system wide default settings just for one app, though. What would be rather practical is if I could choose between the installed voices in the VarAC settings. There´s that selection box that allows me to choose between male and female voice (which doesn´t do anything for me). This could be polulated by the actually installed voices instead.
Here´s how language packs look like on my machine:
Python 3.10.9 (tags/v3.10.9:1dd9be6, Dec 6 2022, 20:01:21) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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Do you use narration for other softwares on your pc ?
I integrated to the list of possible narrations. With windows narrations can be installed in 2 different ways while not all that u see on the windows settings is truely accessible. Which leads to unpredictable behaviour. Therefor. There is a solution but it requires messing up witg the registry to allow access to all. Due to this conplexity and lack of intrest of doing this bith on my end and the audiance, have abandond this path. "The enemy of the good is the perfect" :)
I don´t use narration on any other software right now, so I´m fine with the workaround. I also appreciate that you have a long list of feature requests and bugs to work on, so this isn´t the most urgent of issues.
Still, I think I have a rather straightforward solution, for you to consider at your own pace. The following code works fine on my machine. I obviously don´t know what your code looks like, but I assume you need to call GetVoices at some point, passing the Gender attribute based on config selection. Just specifying the language there as an optional attribute does the right thing on my machine.
Change your default narration language with your windows:,dropdown%20menu%20under%20Speech%20language.&text=Click%20Start%20%2D%3E%20Control%20Panel%20%2D,the%20language%20from%20the%20list.