When my IC7610 is manually set to 500 Hz bandwidth (narrow band) and I do a QSY, the bandwidth changes to max. bandwidth (2.9 kHz). Not a disaster, but annoying. I guess CAT should not influence the actual Bandwidth setting when doing QSY. Thanks for the excellent new mode. Well thought out.
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Using the minimum required bandwidth increases the sensitivity of the reception substantially. To check on neighbor frequency you can use the Sniffer in the CQ calling windows in the newest VarAC version. Vara and VarAC is not designed to detect multiple streams in parallel like in FT8.
73 de Bernard
Isn't it a problem to set your IF bandwidth to 500 Hz? It limits to see CQ's to the set QRG, CQ's on other slots than #0 might not be heard? I've made the same 'mistake' and after some pondering I decided not to do that.
Jan PH3J.
Dear Garry
Thanks for the hint. It works now.
In hindsight, it was easy. But I would not have dared to change anything here
I am so happy. 73
The 500 Hz Filter is configured on FIL 3
When doing QSY the filter changes to FIL 1 (2900 Hz)
I found the file "VarAC_cat_commands.ini" in the program folder.
I was able to open it with the Editor. However I am not going to make any changes in this file.This is beyond my skills. Sorry.
And I don't found any other places where I could influence The bandwidth of the IC-7610
In the cat ini file what do you have it configured for setting your filter?