Hello! We love VarAC!
Q: when I click slot sniffer, the rig goes to the intended slot. When i change slots with the slider, the rig goes to the correct slot as well. So CAT control is great. QSOs are great. All is happy.
Here is the problem... when I click slot sniffer, (the rig will change freq as it should)....but....the band pass on the modem does not. No movement at all. The band sniffer has never actually sniff a band, or a band-aid. It is as if VarAC has perfect rig control, but the
vara modem has no bandwidth control.
I added a screen cap of my configuration settings. I'm sure I've messed something up...
On the cap below, I've hit "slot sniffer" which triggered the rig to qsy correctly, but the VARA HF 4.6.1 is ignored us all like old news. We were dead to it. Nada, nothing, no bandwidth change to sniff the slot.
TU TU for the help, oh wise ones!
The bandpass on VARA HF will not change, it is the rig that changes to the new slot. BTW, you may want to try a narrower RX filter to about 600Hz, it will eliminate some QRM.