After upgrading to 4.2.5 of VaraFM, CQ calls and beacons no longer pass properly through digipeaters. For example, I see this in the logs after I send beacons:
23/11/2022 03:32:44 - Sending beacon
23/11/2022 03:32:48 - KISS packet received
23/11/2022 03:32:48 - Async message received: To:VCHAT 0 From:I5MBP9N Data:@@??
Similarly, calls from other stations are not interpreted properly (sending station here was KI5QPY):
23/11/2022 04:00:02 - KISS packet received
23/11/2022 04:00:02 - Async message received: To:VCHAT 0 From:I5QPY9N Data:@@??
Digipeater is running 4.2.3. Downgrading to 4.2.3 on my system allows the CQ/beacon calls to pass properly.
Solved in VarAC 6.3.3 + VARA FM 4.2.6
I confrm this bug with VaraFM 4.2.5. Jose is working on a solution now.
Problem is - no CQ/BEACON works at all. With or without digipeater.
I'll keep you updated once I get a version to test.
So in testing, have determined the following:
If everyone is running 4.2.4 (including digipeater) or earlier, CQ/beacons work fine
If sender is running 4.2.5, but digipeater is running 4.2.4 or earlier, digipeater passes along the transmissions, but CQ/beacons have corruption issues
If sender is running 4.2.4 or earlier and digipeater is running 4.2.5, CQ/beacons are ignored by the digipeater entirely.