When using the new version with rig control, VarAC puts my IC-7610 into RTTY-R mode instead of USB-D. I know there is a workaround to use the IC-7300 instead when using omnirig, but even that isn't working with the new CAT control functions of the latest version. This makes the CAT control functions useless to me since the rig has to be in USB-D for the audio to work correctly.
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Edit the VarAC_cat_commands.ini to ModeUSB_D=FEFE98E00606FD - just the last two numbers. 73, de DL2XP, René
Thanks. do you know what is the righ command for USB-D 1 ? If you find it let me know and I'll embed in the file for all.
also implemented the forgotten line :) my bad
Thank you, that fixed the proble, kind of. I downloaded the new V1.4 Rig Cat file, and still had the same problem. When I edited the file, I noticed that you had the following command listed twice for USB_D. I deleted the first one listed below, leaving only the second line with the new command, and now it puts the radio in USB-D2. Not sure why it is going to D2 instead of D1, but it works. Thanks for the quick help.
You can also change the Filter as you want. look in the file itself for explenation
Download the latest V1.4 RIG CAT file from here. I added a fix for your RIG