A suggestion for file transfers to AWAY stations.
Stations can have selected callsigns / group in a white list that can transfer files to them if their status is AWAY.
Stations can also limit the file size and type of files to receive e.g, TXT, PDF, DOC, CSV, JPG, etc or any file type that meets the file size specified.
This can be useful for EmCom operation as well as stations that want to share files and documents between each other.
By no means this is an automated file sending suggestion. It will be initiated by the sender manually and if the sender is in the white list the file transfer will proceed.
Too niche use case.
But there is a solution. In EmComm situtation simply switch to EmComm profile (now that VarAC support multiple profiles). In this profile you can set an unlimited file size. So During EmComm events you will have no file size boundaries.