Let me say, I really like the 2.7.2 version, and I understand the reasoning for changing the clock to UTC. But, it would be really handy if there was a spot in the program with a UTC clock displayed.
The other thing that would work instead of displaying a clock, would be how long ago a last heard event occurred. It would be helpful even if the timer was only updated every minute or so.
Such as:
Last Heard CQ calls
(40m) 02:04;33 - N7ROJ (1:33 ago)
Thank you for all the hard work, and the really fun data mode!
John Byerly N7ROJ
I must admit I had this in mind when i changed all times to UTC. But then I said - every Hamradio software that is probably on your screen already have a UTC clock (FT8, your log program).. then you have a UTC clock in your shack probably hanging on your wall or on your desk.
so I decided it would be a waste of precious space.
I might reconsider this if I hear more people asking this...