Display an End of Message/Transmission character after receiving a message or text to clearly indicate the full transmission has been received. This is especially relevant when receiving the INFO or LAST PEEK text, and even with keyboard to keyboard text, when propagation conditions are poor. Please display an END of MESSAGE/TRANSMISSION character to "formally" terminate waiting for text to be received! VarAC keeps on getting better and better.....Thank you! Quoting from the JS8Call manual: You’ll notice a special character at the end of the message, ala ♢ . This is a symbol to indicate the End of
Transmission. JS8Call displays this as after the last frame of the message has been transmitted with nothing
else to follow. This means you get a visual indicator that the transmission is done and you can begin
transmitting a reply. This character can be customized in the Configuration.
In VarAC there is no need for such a special character. As VarAC knows the incoming message size upfront and shows you a progress bar of received it. When the progress bar gets to the end (and you also hear a DING sound noting an incoming message) you know the message has arrived completely.
This special character is needed for JS8. not for VarAC.