Irad I have used the Logger32 JTDX UDP Bandmap to enable me to start VARAC from when Logger32 is already running. This stops my Logger32 frequency control (Cat Control). The trouble is the Varac application doesn’t run properly afterwards most of the time with a message saying 'You don't have radio control defined ....' and although after a short delay, the VarAC (V8.0.6) Window is up and running it's 'RIG Control and Varac configuration' is blank ('MY INFO' is also blank). I shut VarAC down and start it from the Windows Desktop which always works without a problem taking over rig and frequency control.
So for now this is how I start Logger32 and Varac:-
Start the Varac application first so that it starts as normal. After it's running start Logger32. Logger32 won’t have CAT control of the radio as VARA has the control. Vara should work OK and at the completion of a QSO I press LOG (not necessary of course if the box above is ticked) and the log in Logger32 receives the QSO. 73 Damian M0BKV
You need to add 'Edit Bands and modes' with the VARAC frequencies you use as above in the TOOLS section of Logger32 and BTW you need to re-boot Logger32 after modifying the Bandmode.txt file first.
I also now start VarAC from within Logger32 as I do JTDX & WTXD-x this takes the logbook frequency focus from Logger32 and gives it to the launched VarAC while it's running and passes it back to Logger32 when you stop it as happens with L32's procedure for JTDX & WTXD-x
With Logger32 you need to add Mode Dynamic with submode VARAC HF to the bandmode.txt file and then update the frequencies list in tools by adding submode VARAC HF to each band (ie 20m 14.101 - 14.109) then you can send each QSO to Logger32 as the manual shows DXkeeper logging using TCP with PORT 52001.
Yes that is correct. I click on the DXkeeper setting to set up sending each VarAC QSO to Logger32. I actually change port 52001 to 52006 as the other port is in use. I will send pictures of my set up later this morning with all information you asked for (I need to boot up my PC) 73 Damian M0BKV
Irad I have used the Logger32 JTDX UDP Bandmap to enable me to start VARAC from when Logger32 is already running. This stops my Logger32 frequency control (Cat Control). The trouble is the Varac application doesn’t run properly afterwards most of the time with a message saying 'You don't have radio control defined ....' and although after a short delay, the VarAC (V8.0.6) Window is up and running it's 'RIG Control and Varac configuration' is blank ('MY INFO' is also blank). I shut VarAC down and start it from the Windows Desktop which always works without a problem taking over rig and frequency control.
So for now this is how I start Logger32 and Varac:-
Start the Varac application first so that it starts as normal. After it's running start Logger32. Logger32 won’t have CAT control of the radio as VARA has the control. Vara should work OK and at the completion of a QSO I press LOG (not necessary of course if the box above is ticked) and the log in Logger32 receives the QSO. 73 Damian M0BKV
You need to add 'Edit Bands and modes' with the VARAC frequencies you use as above in the TOOLS section of Logger32 and BTW you need to re-boot Logger32 after modifying the Bandmode.txt file first.
I also now start VarAC from within Logger32 as I do JTDX & WTXD-x this takes the logbook frequency focus from Logger32 and gives it to the launched VarAC while it's running and passes it back to Logger32 when you stop it as happens with L32's procedure for JTDX & WTXD-x
With Logger32 you need to add Mode Dynamic with submode VARAC HF to the bandmode.txt file and then update the frequencies list in tools by adding submode VARAC HF to each band (ie 20m 14.101 - 14.109) then you can send each QSO to Logger32 as the manual shows DXkeeper logging using TCP with PORT 52001.