Since the S/N is being reported have a radial button 🔘 to select if you want VARAC to control the power output of your radio with thresholds so you can set the max and min power that VARAC is allowed to move your power output
So if you're have a extremely strong signal you allow VARAC to throttle back if during the process you get weak it throttles back up in 20% steps untill S/N is good or you reached max output level
Hi @n8boapsc
It does make sense to provide the users with a tool to better control the audio level, but with the VARA modem, its the modem responsibility to control the Audio level. VarAC is communicating with the VARA modem using TNC commands and it plays no role at all with sending or receiving audio signals from the sound card.
You can set the audio level in the VARA modem setting as shown in this image including a TUNE button
I hope it helps
73 Irad 4Z1AC