I initially requested this feature over a month ago, but think it got lost in the shuffle, as I never saw it commented on, so I'm asking again. Please consider a feature where a CQ would re repeated "X" number of times (up to some pre-set limit, built into the program).
After the time limit had expired (where the program now goes back to the CF), the 2nd would begin, and so on, up to the limit that was set.
The operator could disable the CQ by hitting the ESCAPE key, reverting to the calling freq, ro clicking in the "box" on the right side of the screen, to abort as now.
Hi Pal.
See updates on your other request. no need to repost the same feature request over and over again. They are in the queue and will be addressed at some point. Either rejected or approved.
I scan the requests every week and decide what I take forward, what I need more thinking and what I reject. What in the queue will be addressed at some point in time.