Hi from Landshut, Bavaria!
I´m Lenz, DL8RDL and I use VarAC since August 2022. How does Irad and the community think about this suggestion? Add the band-information beneath the timestamp like "06:14:32 - 20M - <SENDING BEACON> de DL8RDL"
"06:14:32, 20M - <SENDING BEACON> de DL8RDL"
"06:14:32 (20M) - <SENDING BEACON> de DL8RDL"
"06:14:32@20M - <SENDING BEACON> de DL8RDL"
73 de Lenz,
Added this w
I agree. I will add it but not to the timestamp but to informative messages such as calling CQ and beacons.
Moving to development