I think BEACONS and probably BROADCASTS too should be treated exactly the same way as CQ CALLS or CONNECT REQUESTS in VarAC, i.e. wait for the frequency to clear and as soon as it is clear they should be transmitted immediately, not wait for 10 or 20 seconds because when there is a Contest the participants transmit 1st then they listen for 3 seconds and they transmit again. 10 seconds is a loooooooong time. As the program is now, our BEACONS of BROADCASTS might have to wait all day until the contest is over, or the propagation stops before it transmits our BEACON or BROADCAST Message! Furthermore, no other MODE has got a BUSY Detector, only VarAC/VARA. I think something has to be done about this problem!
73 de M0SUY
Reduced to 5 seconds with the next version