I was in a QSO today with a new user of VarAC. I was telling him about the QSYU and QSYD buttons and told him "Do not type a message with 'QSY U' or 'QSY D' (no spaces) in it." He sent the reply, "Does hitting the QSYU/QSYD buttons automatically send a QSY request?" Well, you can guess what happened! As soon as VarAC parsed the message, it saw "QSYU" and initiated a QSY up 750 Hz. While we were both using version 3.4, we were unable to re-sync our operating frequency so had to abort the QSO, go back to the calling frequency and call each other again! Then we deliberately QSY'd away from the calling frequency (which worked).
Wouldn't it be better if the Gestures had to be enclosed in an "escape" character? Tags already are, like "<NAME:xxx>", "<QTH:xxx>" and "<LOC:xxx>". Why not the Gestures? I'm sure people are tired of hearing three dings every time I tell them about the DISCO I went to last week! LOL.
Enclosing the Gestures in an escape character, such as "<QSYU>" or "[QSYD]" or "[HIHI]" would avoid accidentally sending regular text that is processed as a command.
Released today on V3.5