As someone who is using the station remote most of the day, I find the QSO procedure very uncomfortable, I would like to see an option to change the frequency on the rig within the window that opens to notify on the QSY request and not manual (in remote it is not comfortable).
Added an AUTO QSY button upon QSY request.
Will be out in V3.1
It looks like there is an agreement that VarAC should be able to change the transceiver frequency. Currently, this can be done using custom frequencies that each user need to define in advance. A smoother user experience would be to use "Accept QSY" and "Reject QSY" buttons in the existing QSY dialog. If the "Accept QSY" button is clicked, the appropriate frequency will be set in the transceiver as if it was selected from the frequencies drop-down list. The advantages: - The SW sets correct QSY frequency
- The frequency change is controlled by the operator
- No need for every user to edit the predefined frequencies - The dialog can avoid showing the new buttons if no CAT control is used DE 4X5ZS
Hi Haim. This is how QSY is properly done:
I work remotely myself. You don't have to manually turn your knob. Simply define all requires QRGs in the file VarAC_Frequencies.conf and change the freq from the drop down. You can change the frequency while in a QSO. That's how we all do QSY whiteout physically touching our rigs. See screenshots.
I hope it helps.