Good morning, Irad.
This request looks to standardize the color theme while transmitting and receiving. I would like to draw your attention to the Message and File progress bars.
Issue #1 - Both bars are colored green while transmitting and receiving, showing their progress.
Suggestion - Any transmission made should be in red. This will match the TX and RX buttons in the upper right of the screen. I believe it will also match the general color scheme showing TX/RX as Green/Red.
Issue #2 - All transmission activities, transmissions and receptions, show the progress bar running from right to left.
Suggestion - Accepting the color theme, could the receive progress bars be reversed? This would show thematically that transmissions go one way and receptions flow the opposite way.
Combined, this could show greater clarity at a glance.
Thank you for your consideration, Irad, as always.
Ciao for niao...
73 de Savi W1SAV
But not the progress bar but the RECEIVNG/SENDING text next to it.
Out in V6.4
Ok. I am sorry. but this apparently adds some complexities that I did not anticipate. will have to postpone this for a while.