Suggestion is
#1 To store Callsigns, band, utc and SNRs (for x days defined by VarAC user) and let the VarAC users make querys to understand his propagation. For example IF I want to know which stations I receive and I am received with a -.10 or stronger signal.
#2 Second phase the #1 idea could be expanded to make the users decide if they want to send SNR, band, utc and callsigns to a central site for further analysis. Sending could be though Internet to not impact RF or crow bands. The relevant info is the one related with stations connecting and strength of signal. > This one maybe for future if #1 gets implemented
#1 will be available soon, you will see it in the list https://www.varac-hamradio.com/forum/manuals-troubleshooting/varac-releases-list#viewer-21ces