This article - reminded me how much fun this old feature of the xNOS TCP/IP packages for Amateur Radio was back in the day. As the article describes, you'd compose a (used to be in the RTTY days called a brag tape) brief message about you, your Amateur Radio activities, your station, etc. It was a lot of fun to check out the "new user" when they would come on the air.
The big difference from the canned messages is that you could request this file, and it was intended to be for public consumption. And you could have multiple finger files. We had a convention with multiple files like <callsign> and "station" and a few others I've forgotten now. Thus
finger n8gnj would display my finger file with the ilename n8gnj (I forget the suffix)
finger station would display the finger file with the filename station.
Certainly not a critical feature, but I would enjoy having that available.
Perhaps name it something more au courant like "retrieve info file". Or maybe "brag tape" as homage to the RTTY days.
This could also be a useful EmComm feature. Reminds me of a feature of FSQ which allows a remote station to retrieve limited files from a station (could be an EOC, etc.)
73... Rick KJ7ROX