I use Ham Radio Deluxe. WSJT-X has a HRD listed and I can do CAT control through HRD with it. Is there plans to be able to add HRD cat control to VarAC?
Hello. This is Dave W4EIP. I use WSJT-X, GridTracker and Ham Radio Deluxe. VARAC provides a much better user experience because it allows real communication! I would very much like to be compatible with HRD and GridTracker. WSJT-X is open source. Can't you use the WSJT-X source code to figure out the HRD interface? The same interface should then work with GridTracker.
I did look at the code of WSJTX. and I even talked to the HRD guys.
But there seem to be an inconsistent behaviour with my HRD and asked for their assitance. I included smoking guns in the forms of videos and they simply vanished. not answering me for 2 months now. I was about to release it (already added all the required code on my end) but since I get no support from the HRD folks, I removed the code.
I also sent out a question on both their forum and Group IO community. Still, no reponse.
So despite my honest and extensive effort in making this happen (I was 99% there), their lack of cooperation forced me to do a hard u-turn and abandon this.
I must say that I got great support from any player in the market BUT the HRD folks.
When I integrated QSO loggers to VarAC, I was in touch with all loggers coders which provided some kind of support to make it happen.
If this is Important to you, as a paying customer of HRD, feel free to ask them to engage.
I will be sitting on the fence on this for now. Totally frustrated with their support.
BTW. I am a paying customers of them too. Very disrespectful to act this way to a paying customer.
Thanks for your reply. I am no longer a paying Customer of HRD. I ended my support contract with them because they have been ignoring my request to fix a problem with dual receiver mode on my Icom 7610.
I am gonna try using com0com https://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/ tp create a virtual ports to my 7610 which could be shared by HRD and VARAC at the same time.
I have stared to work with HRD. The have Zero documentation about this. so they have sent me a few things over an email. I started the integration but facing challanges and I get no response from their team in the past 2 weeks. I had an intention to release it i the upcoming version but since I get no response from them I will have to postpone this to an unknown time. I own HRD myself, and followed their instrcustions precisly while sending them evidance of issues but got no reply.
Hi Irad - I am also very interested in an eventual solution that allows VarAC and HRD to play nicely together. If I can be of any assistance to you as an intermediary, I will be happy to try to help. 73 de KG9NI
Since both HRD and VarAC use the same com port, it was suggested to me today to buy a port sharing software and create a new port. There has to be a better way, as WSJT-x works great on the computer, radio and Signal Link. I tried to turn Rig Control off in HRD, so that VarAC could control the rig. I f I could easily do that then I could copy the ADIF file and insert it into the HRD lobbing program. So far, no joy.
Hello. This is Dave W4EIP. I use WSJT-X, GridTracker and Ham Radio Deluxe. VARAC provides a much better user experience because it allows real communication! I would very much like to be compatible with HRD and GridTracker. WSJT-X is open source. Can't you use the WSJT-X source code to figure out the HRD interface? The same interface should then work with GridTracker.
The VARAC application is Very Good!
Dave W4EIP
Just started using Vara AC and would love for it to intergrate Cat control with HRD. Any update on this being released?
OmniRig was already available, and somehow FLRig got recently added, perhaps now it's time to get HRD Rigcontroll added as well.
Since both HRD and VarAC use the same com port, it was suggested to me today to buy a port sharing software and create a new port. There has to be a better way, as WSJT-x works great on the computer, radio and Signal Link. I tried to turn Rig Control off in HRD, so that VarAC could control the rig. I f I could easily do that then I could copy the ADIF file and insert it into the HRD lobbing program. So far, no joy.
I, too use HRD as my logging program and also for FT8 rig control. How do I do this with VarAC.
I have similar problem... HRD and VARAC are same port and so HRD not work
I'll evaluate this.