Can you please include a checkbox in Vara AC to disable the Rx and Tx SNRs from being shown in the DataStreamMessage window (but still save the information for the SNR graph and text displays. It appears some hams don’t like it taking up space in the window. I request verbose SNR to give me more reports, and that adds to the number of lines in the message window. I believe that would be a good option! You may even want to make that the default setting, and let people know they can disable it! That might make everyone happy!
Why are there more Rx SNR Reports than Tx SNR Reports?
Thank you for the suggestion.,
Datastream reflects everything that was send/received. Hiding certain stuff violate this rule. I understand it can be handled with a checkbox but this just another checkbox on a main space that no one will use. too niche use case in my opinion. But lets hear more opinion. This is why I would like to have the community debate before I put in features that I think are too niche.