The need: Emcom Users who employ AREDN Mesh Networks to support served agencies need to communicate with shelters, etc. that are outside the range of the Mesh. What is needed is a server on the mesh that allows VarAC traffic between mesh nodes as well as via conventional RF to stations outside the mesh.
Such a server would be able to gain awareness of stations existing only on the mesh (just running VarAC over TCP/IP) and others coming into the mesh via VaraFM so as to route traffic to RF only as needed, similar to APRS servers. This would both reduce VaraFM channel congestion during emergencies and would reduce the VHF/UHF radio equipment and setup time needed during deployments.
#1 So you want a VarAC "telnet" service.
#2 If you can't see the other user on the mesh, then you can simply connect to a remote VARA instance (over the network.) This capability already exists.