VarAC has its own logging system as all QSOs are logged into an ADIF file (with manually or automatically).
Starting VarAC 3.6.5, you can also ask VarAC to forward any new QSO log entry to another logger.
Currently, these are the supported QSO logging applications:
To activate this feature, you have to configure it on both ends. The VarAC side and the the Logging application side.
This manual explains how to configure the VarAC logging on both sides for all the applications mentioned above.
Important notes:
Your logging application must be active while VarAC is sending log entries to it. It won't received QSOs retroactively if it was not running at the time VarAC tried to send a log entry.
Sometimes, even if you configure everything correctly, it may still not work. In most cases it is your local windows firewall to blame. Make sure the ports you are using are opened for both applications at the firewall level.
VarAC QSOs are logged with VARA as the mode.
VARA mode is still not acceptable in sites like LOTW, QRZ.COM and others as they follow the ADIF guidelines.
We are in touch with the ADIF group to certify VARA as a mode
but we get a lot of pushbacks so it might take time. You can read the entire discussion HERE
You can write them too in their discussion group to express the need you see for this rising digital mode.
You can also contact LOTW directly and ask them for their assistance with certifying VARA at:
VarAC side configuration
Under settings - select the desired program. The port will be selected based on default known configuraiton of each logger. However, if your port is different, you can configure it.

HRD Logbook (Ham Radio Deluxe)
HRD provides with 2 options for logging. You need to use the 2nd option. Here is what you need to do:
Go to Tools --> Configure --> QSO Forwarding
Enable the "Receive QSO notifications using UDP from other applications (WSJT-X)
Selected the desired target database.
If you change the port - make sure it is aligned with the port you've selected in VarAC.
Click OK

N1MM provides with 2 options for loggings. TCP or UDP. VarAC support both.
Go to Config --> Configure Ports, Mode control, Winkey etc...
Go to the WSJT/JTDX Setup
Enable either the UDP or TCP options as shown on the screenshot below.
If you change the port - make sure it is aligned with the port & method (UDP/TCP) you've selected in VarAC.
Click OK
Restart N1MM.

AC Log (Amateur Contact Log)
Please note - Logging QSO to AC Log works only with AC Log version 7.0.5 and above.
AC Log provides with TCP support for external logging:
Go to Settings --> Application Program interface (API)
Enable the "TCP API Enabled (server)
If you change the port - make sure it is aligned with the port you've selected in VarAC.
Click DONE

HRD provides with 2 options for logging. You need to use the 2nd option. Here is what you need to do:
Go to Log QSO --> Config
Select the "Defaults" tab
Under network service - set the Base port. Important - 52000 means that you listen on 52001.
If you change the port - make sure it is aligned with the port you've selected in VarAC.
Click "Restart"

Log4OM provides with UDP logging.
However Log4OM2 also provides with a unique Logging option - tapping directly to VarAC log ADIF file.
This options is preferred as Log4OM will never miss a log entry if it was not running at the time the QSO was logged.
Both options are shown below:
This is how you set the UDP logging with Log4OM:
Go to Settings --> Program Configuration
On the left menu - select Software integration --> Connections
Click UDP and go to UDP INBOUND
Enter a port number (ex: 1200)
Give it a meaningful name (ex. VARAC_LOG)
Select Service Type: "ADIF_MESSAGE"
Click the "+" button
Make sure the new recorded is there and marked with a "V" sign
Click "Save and Apply"

This is how to configure LOG4OM2 to collect your VarAC QSOs automatically from the VarAC ADIF log file.
Open Log4OM 2 and click Settings --> Program configuration
On the left, Click ADIF Functions and click the folder icon to select a file
Go to the VarAC installation directory (or where you placed your ADIF file) and select the VarAC_qso_log.adi file
Now click the "+" icon to add the file for Realtime ADIF file monitoring
Make sure the VarAC ADIF file appears here and set as ENABLED and marked with a "V" sign
"Save and apply"

Automatic Callsign lookup
Starting VarAC 8.7, VarAC offers the capability to initiate a callsign lookup on Log4OM once a connection to a station is established. To enable this feature, navigate to the VarAC settings.
However, it's essential to confirm that Log4OM has "Remote control" enabled as well. Here is how:
Please note - once disconnected, VarAC will call Log4OM to clear the callsign lookup.
Swisslog started to provide TCP logging support from V5.105. Make sure you upgrade to this version or later before trying to integrate with VarAC.
This is how you set the UDP logging with Log4OM:
Go to Options --> Digital modes interface --> "WSJT-X / JTDX / MSHC / JS8Call UDP settings"
Under "Only Log QSO requests" locate the first line.
Check the "Active", "TCP" & "Auto start" checkboxes
Set the IP address to and Port to 52001.
Click OK

UcxLog provides with UDP logging.
No special configuration is required on UCX log.
Winlog32 provides with UDP logging.
Logging to Winlog32 is available in VarAC V7.2 or higher. For previous VarAC versions simply select "Log4OM(UDP)"
You must use Winlog32 Version v7.3.47 or higher.
Here is how to configure it on Winlog32:
1. Go to "Menu/Options/logging Interface/UDP" --> "N1MM, ADIF, JTAlert" --> "Enable"

2. Go to "Menu/Options/logging Interface/UDP" --> "N1MM, ADIF, JTAlert" --> "Options"

3. Enable option 'ADIF' (to work with VarAC or other software sending ADIF via UDP from local machine.
4. Make sure the UDP port number matches on both VarAC and Winlog32 (default 12060)

5. Restart Winlog32.
Logger32 provides with TCP based logging which is similar to DXKeeper. If you are using an old version of VarAC without native Logger32 support, you can select DXKeeper as your logger program.
Here is how to configure it on Logger32:
Edit the C:\Logger32\ADIFModes.txt file using notepad and add the DYNAMIC submode on all bansa. Here are the lines you should add in the end of the file.
Go to Tools --> Setup Bands & Modes, and add the following line
Click Apply
Right-click the "TCP" button on the bottom right side of Logger32.
Select "Click to open socket"
GridTracker is mostly used to show worked grids on a map and not as a primary logging QSO software.
It can be configured to track your VarAC QSOs and show them on the grid map.
There are 2 things you need to configure to make it work:
Configure GridTracker to scan the VarAC ADIF log file.
Add the VarAC ADIF mode name (DYNAMIC) to the GridTracker mode catalog.
Configure GridTracker to scan the VarAC ADIF file:
Launch GridTracker
Click the settings icon on the bottom left
Click the "Logging" tab
On the "Local File(s)" row, click "Add File"
Navigate to the VarAC installation directory and select the file "VarAC_qso_log.adi" and click Open.
Now GridTracker knows where to find your VarAC ADIF file, and will scan it every time you start GridTracker, or when you click the "Log Local" icon:
Adding the VarAC ADIF mode name (DYNAMIC) to the GridTracker mode catalog:
Navigate to the GridTracker installation directory and go to the "data" directory. By default this should be in "C:\Program Files (x86)\GridTracker\data"
Open the files "modes.json" using a notepad.
Add the mode "DYNAMIC" like shown here:
"DSTAR": false,
"DSSTV": true,
"DYNAMIC": true, <------
"FAX": false,
"FM": false,
Save the file.
Relaunch GridTracker
That's it. Now to see all your VarAC QSOs on the map simply select the mode "DYNAMIC" from the dropdown list:
Good to know, thanks! It would be great for JOTA to shoow the scouts what is actually happening, if I have an internet connection where I want to set up.