Well, it was just a matter of time until we start doing something like this. You may call it a net or simply a group chat – but it is finally happening!
We invite you all to join a weekly group chat on every Sunday at 14:00 – 16:00 UTC, using the BROADCAST MODE on 20M Slot-15 (14.108.750MHz).
If you are a GMAIL user, here is a LINK for a Google calendar invitation that will remind you to join.
Simply click the LINK and hit the SAVE button at the top right.
We start this Sunday so mark it in your calendars.
4Z1AC and the VarAC team
As I write this in December 2024, I have tuned in to 20m Slot-15 many times during this advertised net timeframe and have hot heard anything. It may be that in Europe a VarAC broadcast net is heard, but not in the Central/Western US due to propagation.
I think this is a great idea, and since a major focus for VarAC is EmComm, it would provide good practice for passing messages over long distances.
I am trying something different. I have added the frequency for 20m-Slot15 (14.108.750) to my frequency drop-down list so that I can send beacons on the net frequency. That allows me to see on PSK Reporter who else might be 'out there'.
Thanks for a very useful tool, Irad!
73... Rick KJ7ROX