Is it possible that you may be able to edit the beacon text for EmComm use? I am part of the EDM team and if and when VarAC is used for EmComm use to have the capabilities to add a short text letting operators know that there is an EmComm operation going on. Something simple, like for our test EDM Test and place for the locater of the operation or station.
Thanks and 73,
Jim, N8JE
With the limitations to VARA I am thinking I opened a can of worms. Therefore I am dropping this subject until Irad comes up with a better idea.
Jim, See Irad's excellent EMCOMM scenario guide. And do remember that Irad's hands are tied in sofar as VARA is concerned. Only Jose as the author could make a change there. My two cents worth.
( EX AEA PK900 user ).
Yes, I understand that. This would be something that could be used so that someone would not be needed to set by and send the Broadcast every 15 minutes or so. Is there a way to send broadcast every so often? This might be something that also could be done to help.
Beacons and CQ can only send callsigns and SSIDs. this VARA limitation.
Want to send more data? use Broadcasts. They webuilt for these types of messages. Alert tags also plays role there. if you distribute among all emcomm group members an alert tag conf file with predefiend alerts - you can send all an alert that will trigger a visual and sound alert on all members stations.
Find more here.
and here in general.
This would be very useful