I have VarAc V8.6.2. I'm unable to Edit the frequency drop-down list. When that screen opens under Settings, (it's opening with Cool File Viewer, don't know why) it won't let me enter anything in that field.
So, genius that I am, I opened the file location using File Explorer, and opened the freq config file with Notepad. It let me put the EDM freqs in. Yay!
However, when opening VarAc again, they didn't show. Double checked and they're sitting there in the config file, but VarAc won't put them up in the drop-down list for selection. Any ideas?
One option is that you have multiple files and you edited the wrong one.
Another options is that you entered an invalid format.
Can you paste a screenshot of the file content ?
To make sure you work with the right file - edit one of the defaults frequencies (like 14.105.000 -> 14.106.000)
If this change is not reflected on your VarAC dropdown - then you are defenitly not using the right file.