Yes as is, it wont work, that is clear. Therefore would need special type message with B2 protocol etc. But there is already the frequency scheduler which could with minor modification be user to connect known WL GW at times. Of course it needs programming but I see the risk of dividing EMCOMM people to two groups without intercommunication with eachother
VarAC looks at EmComm quite differently then winlink. It incorporate diffent features and methodologies that are well explain on the guide on this page:
As a casual observer, I can see many issues here. For starters there is a different protocol for making the connection. Secondly there is a lot of formatting of the messages that differs from VMail. A macro in VarAC that runs the Winlink program is about as close as you could get, IMHO. Nothing is impossible, but it seems that this would fail a cost benefit analysis, when you can run the Winlink program simultaneously and send messages, as it is now..
No it wont work. use winlink for winlink messages and VarAC for VarAC messages :)
they are different animals and speak different languages.