Using VarAC with VARA FM Mode on the Yaesu FT-991A via a Single USB Cable. I'm currently using VarAC with VARA FM mode on my Yaesu FT-991A, connecting to the radio with just one USB cable. If you know of a more efficient setup or have any suggestions, please share your insights. Additionally, if you spot any errors or conflicts in this setup, I'd appreciate your input.

Testing with ICOM ID-31Plus handheld, connected to a Digirig Mobile v1.9. Note that the handheld is limited to "Narrow" VARA FM settings. Need to also test using "FM-D" on the FT-991A.
So far, I've successfully managed Chats, CQ CALLS, and Beaconing with both setups. However, I haven't received any broadcasts yet, and I'm unsure if it's an RX or TX problem. I also haven't attempted to send files yet but plan to do so soon.
Kevin JJ1PJI
As I learned recently (thanks to Jose for the explanation) there is a conceptual / design difference between VARA_FM and VARA_HF. VARA_HF will accept PTT commands from VarAC. VARA_FM requires a direct PTT, as shown in the setup screen shots above. On FT-991 USB link we have the ENHANCED virtual COM: port, which takes care of both tasks: CAT and PTT. And it is not possible from Windows side to share the COM: port between VARA_FM and VarAC. The way out seems to be setting the VARA_FM PTT source to VOX, thus leaving the COM: port entirely to VarAC. I tried this recently, and it was possible to connect to a correspondent, but the connection automagically failed (disconnected itself) after 30 seconds. Broadcasts went OK both ways. I have not seen any error messages in VarAC log window. I have no clue yet why the VarAC connection failed to continue. Use of VOX for PTT looks to me like opening a can of worms. We have the issues of VOX sensitivity (level of audio signal from computer, generated by the radio sound card), switchover delays etc. The other way round is to assign the VARA_FM source of PTT to CAT, and disable CAT control entirely on VarAC side. Not very smart, but maybe this will work? Irad, can you pls comment?
Best regards, Marek SP5ISZ
Hello Kevin l was wondering what settings you used for your handheld in VarAC and Vara FM. We are trying to get some different radios like a 857, a 2500 and some HT to all talk to each other and we are running into some challenges. Thanks!
FWIW, regarding frequency change, VARA FM does not have frequency control, regardless of the radio make/model. The freq control is via VarAC/CAT and works fine.
Why use VOX for PTT?
My setup works with CAT (only one USB cable also).
PPT -> PTT.😅
FM-D works. Will need to document the settings.
Chats, CQ CALLS, Beaconing, Broadcasts, and file transfer are all working great! 😀
Thank you very much!
very informative!