This radio has an unusual CAT data format: Text but it needs as delimiter ENTER = 0D hex), not a printable letter like ";". So my simly question is, how can I insert at the end of the command the enter code in text - the equivalent in HEX is 0D.
I can run the transceiver via Mode HEX, e.g.
PTTOn=54580D that's TX + Enter
PTTOff=52580D that's RX + Enter
But for the frequency and other command and for receiving the respond I need TEXT format and the enter delimter.
Any idea is appreciated.
TNX es 73
Lutz, DH7LK
Irad has integrated the new cat command format [ENT] - see the latest VarAC_cat_commands.ini
Now qsy with TM-D710 works well.
Just realized this might work.
instead of ";" add "\r"
LMK how it works.
I will be happy to add a feature that in "TEXT" mode, you can also include special characters like enters. we can use predefined strings that will be processed on the VarAC prior to sending to the RIG. Like "<ENT>" for enter or "<ESC>" for escape for other uses.
Send me an email to and I'll send you a test version.