I know a lot of users run 20m during the day and 40m at night. In my 14 years of amateur radio experience I could probably count on one hand the number of QSO's I've made on 30m. I would love to play with the band more, and get to know it better - and better yet, have some great QSO's with all of you! For the next week or two come find me on 30m for a chat, a ping, or maybe just a relay! See you over on 30m!
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I will be on again this afternoon/evening timeframe. About Greyline time. Look for me, I'm usually the only Alaska station on VarAC shown on the reporter.
Todd Hansen
30m would be the best for Varac and other Digi modes, no contests by the way.
I get on 30 meters a lot. I've made some contacts, but not many with VarAC. For whatever reason people don't spend time on this great band the FCC gave to the digital amateurs. The FT8 guys are usually above 10.133.000 and hear them all the time, every evening. They know about 30 meters. I will usually call there during the greyline and a little past. I think if people you just try it and get more stations to use it they'll realize it's a very good band. See you on 30!!
I also would like to recommend to use more 30m. I did it already and got nice contacts. But, we need more 30m band users. Don´t move if you see nobody on 30m. Stay for a while and you´ll see, someone comes around. User the broadcast function in VaraC.
Make a broadcast like this:
ALL: Who would like to check VaraC on 30m Band, pse follow! QSY now
Got contacts on 30m with stations who did qsy as well.
Try it :-)
I agree there is no enough use of other bands than 20/40, now also higher bands like 15 and 10 meteres are open with good propagation, but no stations...
Luke, I agree with you!
That's why I'll be QRV on the 30m band more often in the evening now.