Yesterday we had a 4-hour "Verbose SNR" session on 15m VK3 to 9V1 (S'pore).
It would have probably continued but the noise-level in urban Singapore increased in the evening hours due to domestic appliance radio noise emissions. The SNR graph clearly shows the SNR in S'pore (blue) deteriorating after about 10:00 UTC. (The law of reciprocity implies that for equal power levels at both stations, the average signal levels at both ends are the same.)
This session is a good example for the robustness of VarAC HF links.
Anyone with a longer "Verbose SNR" session please ?
Dieter, VK3FFB
Had another long Verbose SNR session with 9V1KG (S'pore) on 10m yesterday. The 6000km link was stable over most of the time, apart from short dips at 5:40 and 6:20UTC. This link was at an earlier time than the previous 15m session. So, less man-made noise at both ends. The good link also confirmed the return of normal conditions after the strong geomagnetic storm we just had.
Dieter, VK3FFB
Thats one looooooong link :)