While I am still trying to learn how VarAC works and I still have a long way to go but one thing came up in some of our practices trying to use this for future Emcomm work. If I for example are connected to another station passing traffic or the like, if another station in our Emcomm team sends out an ALERT Beacon, we don't hear it and are unaware of the alert. Is this a setting I'm not seeing or are you not able to basically monitor the channel (frequency) while you are connected to another station?
Sorry if this sounds stupid but there it is.
Robert E.
Brandon, MS
If you are in a connect and you are transmitting of course you will not hear it, likewise if the other sttaion you are connected to is stronger then you wont hear it. But the more important part is VARA HF is aware of this traffic and will wait for the frew to clear before it will transmit.