why is there 2 call signs on top of modem software ei9gmb and ei9gmb-t also getting no response after decoding cant figure out whats going on cant decode stations even thought i hear signals on my radio using for 897 for digital works fine with ft8 need help guys
Certainly looks like your soundcard is mis-configured. There is no input, your VU meter is exceedingly low. As for the -T SSID that is for the PING feature.
I must admit the waterfall does not look like an HF static... can you send a waterfall image while you are tuned on the FT8 frequency ? Just so we see some traffic there ?
The image almost looks like it is not configured to show a waterfall from a hamband but some internal sound card. Make sure you select the right sound care (in and out) in the VARA settings. When you hear a signal in the frequency do you also see it on the waterfall ? if not - it is most certainly what I said.
This is how a "normal" water fall with VARA signals should look like... Theis screenshot shows various VARA speed levels... If you don't see any change in the waterfall while hearing a VARA signal - it is most definitely a wrong sound card selected at the VARA modem settings.