When trying to ping or answer a CQ my IC7300 transmit light comes on (red) but no real power is transmitted. My RF power output meter shows zero power. Thoughts, is there a way to turn up the power or change a setting? I've gone over my settings both for VAR AC and Vara HF but don't know what to change or try. Note that my VARA HF does work fine on Winlink. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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Hi Gary -- I just solved it from the VARA HF side, when I set both input/output to codec. Interesting, Winlink would run ok when the device output/speakers was set to Realtek audio. Thanks for your questions, as these were my next line of attack.
Having had similar situations, make sure your mode is "USBD" and not USB.
You can set the sound levels for the USB AUDIO CODEC Speakers to 100% in the Sound setting in your computer and adjust the ACC/USB AF Output Level in the 7300 to < 40% in Connectors settings. Then run a AutoTune in VARA to adjust drive level. 73, Bill N3XL
There is a slider to the left top by connect...that is the drive level. Slowly move to the right while watching your alc and pwr output. See if that helps. Also check drive in Vara set up under sound card set up as well as sound levels in your computer.
Well we could really use a lot more info, screenshots would be super. But for starters:
What is your ALC reading and what is the VARA HF Drive level set for in Winlink vs VARA?
What is the PO on the 7300 set to?
Are you in USB-D? What is the 7300's USB MOD Level set to (in Settings)?