only downloaded varAC few days ago still learning i can hear signals on radio but there not decoding on VarAC
seem my setting are correct i no problems using ft8 any tips welcome my radio am using is the yaseu ft 897 for digital
i followed youtube on varAC and followed their instructions so not sure were i could be going wrong any suggestions welcome
Highly recommend reading Pats absolutely excellent manual from cover to cover. You have (of course) installed varahf properly and set it up correctly? Both VARA HF and VARAC must be correctly configured for VARAC to be able to work correctly. It is a brilliant program, almost every day of the week I connect to ZL2TNB and exchange mail with him.
Albert. ei7ii
For starters a screenshot of your VARA HF window would be very helpful. You also didnt mention how you are getting audio to the 897. Also you didnt mention what mode you are using on the 897 (should be Digi U or whatever Yaesu calls it). Also for digital modes do you have menu item 38 set to USER-U?
Lots of info on this forum you can search, but those are some quick starters.