I'm using an ic-707 and a signalink, so have to use omnirig, however here is the error:
19/02/2023 01:23:59 - OmniRig: Unable to connect OmniRig.
19/02/2023 01:24:08 - Closing com port
19/02/2023 01:27:49 - Debug mode disabled
19/02/2023 01:27:49 - FREQ Schedule off
19/02/2023 01:27:50 - OmniRig: Connecting to OmniRig...
19/02/2023 01:27:50 - Error: Starting OmniRig: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
at VarAC.VarAC.StartOmniRig()
Thank you
For those of you following this thread, I have found a fix which I hope may work for you.
Simply uninstall Omnirig and reinstall. Now works fine. I have no idea what was causing the issue in the first place, but all ok now. Hope it works for you.
73 Geoff.