If you want to connect to a station, eg. 4Z1AC to send a VMAIL but you can not work that station directly, you can send a Pathfind request (it goes out as a ASYNC message, e.g. Broadcast). Any station that can decode your station in the pathfinder query will respond back to you that, yes I can hear that station. You may get many responses. You now can send your VMAIL to 4Z1AC via any of the stations that could hear them directly.
Switch to advanced mode (top right section of your screen where it says "Mode: Simple" and it will reveal many new buttons on your VarAC console including the path finder.
If you want to connect to a station, eg. 4Z1AC to send a VMAIL but you can not work that station directly, you can send a Pathfind request (it goes out as a ASYNC message, e.g. Broadcast). Any station that can decode your station in the pathfinder query will respond back to you that, yes I can hear that station. You may get many responses. You now can send your VMAIL to 4Z1AC via any of the stations that could hear them directly.
Switch to advanced mode (top right section of your screen where it says "Mode: Simple" and it will reveal many new buttons on your VarAC console including the path finder.