Windows 10 Professional
VarAC version 8.4.4 and VARA HF v4.8.4
Using a Xiegu G90 with purchased CAT cable and DE19 USB interface.
Worked like a charm till yesterday but now PTT refuses to work.
CATfrequency control works perfectly.
CAT PTT works fine when I use the PTT ON - PTT OFF buttons in the Settings;
But the system does not trigger the transmit when I actually try to send a beacon or a CQ.
No problem with transmit with JTDX. Tried to overwrite settings in CAT device and re-install without any luck
Problem fixed by de-installing Vara and Varac, after that removed the directories and did a fresh new install.
Using the Xiegu G90 CAT files
Today I tried with Omnirig. Still no results; no PTT function. For fun I installed JS8CALL with the same Omnirig settings, works fine including PTT! So the issue is with VARAC
Anybody? Irad?
Thanks Irad,
But that link concerns ptt not releasing. Here the PTT does not work at all
Anyway tried these tips without result. Another thing; when the ptt stops in VARAC, I close the program and start JTDX, ptt works again. So I think my hardware setup is just fine
Done so far:
Updated VarAC_cat_commands file updated, no result
Changed Rigconfig to Icom IC7100, no result
Changed Rigcontrol to Omnirig with Xiegu G90V0.2 ini; PTT directly actived at startup VARAC, no reaction on PTT on/off buttons. Tune sends out the tone, but PTT stays on