During longer VarAC chats, there is a considerable amount of valuable SNR data generated by VarAC. Below is an example of a DX QSO today. It was on 20m during the long-path opening from VK3 to USA east. It was just at band opening time and hence the continuous improvement of SNR with time. Irad has now kindly implemented a graph data download option. Can't wait to have that :)
The data can be used for the purpose of comparing different days and for some simple statistical processing & correlations with propagation-relevant data.
Dieter, VK3FFB

In the folder of VarAC there is an file "VarAC_Last_Heard. You find there all the heard stations with the call, band and SNR. With excel you can inport these file and with some help from an excel Guru you can grab the info you are looking for.
73´s de DC4CP