Hello, it is extremely clear that this software will require about 8 or so hours to learn, This is interesting as I did my first SSB Vox QSO on this rig in about 10 minutes (Baltimore to Aiken SC). My situation is that I have all of the preliminaries done, COM ports and the like and it seems, looking at PSKReporter, that I am getting out in some form, but no answer to any Beacons on 20 Meter. Something is wrong. I know the rig is good because I can get out on SSB. What is wrong is the operator. I have read through the documentation, but would much rather learn by video.
Is there a video class or something that can walk through troubleshooting VarAc and Vara? I have searched and I have found nothing that is both clear and complete. Thanks so much. Randy C, WU3H
Rick. PERSEVERE !. I will be eighty this year and if I can master VARAC, so can you.
Here is a video link, you might wish to watch. Do not try to take it all in at once and remember, Rome was not build in one day
Albert. EI7II..
Thanks everyone. I need to back off and completely understand how digital mode operates with my rig. Using VarAC as a wrapper in front of it is an elephant I cannot eat right now until I get why I have to juice my ALC to very high levels on my rig. I downloaded a copy of WSJT-X and I will see if I can get that working as it seems near infinitely less complicated.
It's fairly easy to setup. I did answer you in a seperate post on an issue, did you do what I suggested?
Some basic questions:
Are you receiving anything?
When you use the TUNE function to set your ALC in VARA HF, as the instructions say, do you get a good ALC reading? If so what is your Power Output?
And to clear things, you won't be getting any confirmations that your beacons are heard anyway.
They are just one way beacon packets.
Did you call CQ? Did you call anyone calling? Did you try to ping any station that you know should hear you?
I can't see any TX from that callsign on VarAC any band. Only activity is 17 hours ago on 14.104.250, which was your self report.
Was that VOX QSO made via the same PC? With your PC microphone?
Have you checked that your radio actually receives the data from VARA?
Is the input selected to be from, I assume line in or mic? Are the ALC levels correct?
Is it on digital USB mode or normal USB, if there even is choice.
You might be just transmitting noise if the audio device is wrong either side.