I should probably know the answer, but sometimes it seems better coming from a few others that may have a better picture of the situation ....
I set up an RSP1a to monitor the frequency better and I have been having some fun figuring it out .... HIHI
Not too long after setting it up, I observed my beacon being sent out ... and was a little surprised by the center freq being 14.106.5 ..... I would have though that being USP signal and just using 500 hz bandwidth that it should start on 14.105 and extend to 14.105.5 ....
I am including a screen shot from the next occurrence of the beacon so that you can see what I am talking about ....
Maybe someone can explain it .... or maybe my RSP1a is not displaying as it should ....
Thanx in advance for any and all info ....
If your CF (Calling Freq, aka Dial Freq) is set to 14.105 then your VARA signal will be centered @ 1500Hz in that CF passband, so a 500HZ VARA signal will occupy 14.106250 to 14.106750 for a USB modulation.