Unable to Connect Rig TCP
I am trying to setup VaraHF & VaraC on a Macbook running Parrallels and Windwos 11 for use with an Icom IC-7610.. After configuring the Rig Control Screen (see screen shot) I get the following error: "Unable to connect Rig TCPThe operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" I prefer to use the LAN connection versus USB. I have downloaded and installed the latest RigCat files. I'm not sure what else to check. I am not tech savy. So, I'm sure I have not included important information. Please let me know what additional data you may need to point me in the right direcxtion. Thanks, much!
Bill K4GDR
I was not planning on using RumLogNG in connection wtih VarAC. I would run VarAC as a stand alone program. I'm not sure the API you refer to is published by Icom but I'll see if I can find it. Thanks
Do you have the API for the Ethernet commands?? Are the commands the same as the CAT interface? I know Flex is and so is Anan but I can find no info on the 7610's Ethernet protocol.
I have updated the Host address to my IC7610 - I still get the same "Unable to connect Rig TCPThe operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" error message. What should I check next?
Do you have the API for the Ethernet commands??
It doesn;t make sense that you configured as an IP. is local host. not another IP in your network which supposed to be the IC-7610