I recently downloaded VarAC and have it operational with my Flex-6000 transceiver.
From what I've gathered from how-to video's it is suggested to start calling CQ on a Calling Frequency, then QSY (up or down). My VARA-HF waterfall seems to show the approximate bandwidth of one VarAC QSO. Is there a way to widen the VARA-HF Waterfall to monitor a wider portion of this subband, to switch to monitoring different VarAC QSO's?
Butch, KF4HR
Thanks again for the info Gary. No problem viewing a wide spectrum on my rig's spectrum diplay (Flex-6700), and tuning the rig through the tuning window. I was just curious if there was a way to monitor multiple VarAC QSO's at the same time. I guess I've gotten spoiled with FLDigi and CW Skimmer. :)
Butch, KF4HR