only new to varAC still learning am using ft897 yaseu can anyone tell me what rate should i be using 4800, 38400
and finally what mode should i have radio on digi or usb
and other setting would be apreciated and i can only use varac for ppt congurations as i cant get the radio to respond to cat configurations
As Gary said. go for a reasonably fast rate. i run at 38400 over the last 3 years and that seems to be a good and decently fast rate. but remember: the program, whatever it is, and the radio rate MUST match. This is important when you move between different programs like js8call, varac, ft8. etc etc.
good luck and enjoy the mode. try to connect to terry in new Zealand, i get him every day on 20meters via varac. look for his calll: ZL2TNB.