Copied from the FB page:
I have VARA running both from Build-a-Pi,from the VARA.exe and from RMS Express. THis is for CMS contacts only. I want to get into some actual QSOs!! I note also that VNC/Chrome is pitifully slow. I have downloaded VarAC, and edited the Varac.ini to fill in the details. When I run wine VarAc.EXE, I get heaps of error messages, mainly related to X11 display. The VARA HF modem starts, then disappears, then re-appears. The VarAC window appears for about 1 second then disappears. Top shows Vara.exe taking about 75% CPU but nothing is happening. It looks like I might have to give up on the Pi and try using W11 on the laptop but the idea is to have all Ham apps on the Pi.
Paul RodenhuisAuthorSuccess! After re-routing the USB cable from the Pi to the old W8.1 laptop, installing VARA and VarAC, I was ble to cal l CQ on 14.104.250.!!
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Do you see the TCP LED in green at the bottom of the VARA HF modem? If not, click "DISCONNECT MODEM" and then "CONNECT MODEM" on VarAC. For me, I need to do this every time I launch the app.
The modem works even though it shows "%CPU not available" in yellow. It's said to be a bug.
I use VARA HF+VarAC on RPi4 with a couple minor glitches like above which I can tolerate.
JI1BQW - Gene