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Go Team

Hall of fame

NC3Z - Gary Mitchelson

Gary stepped forward when I started VarAC. He is investing his precious time in testing releases and advising on feature designs as well as supporting the VarAC community.

Thank you Gary for your dedication to making VarAC a great software and a vibrant community!


ON2AD - Pat Patrick De Wever

Pat masters the art of writing superb user manuals in 3 languages. Pat volunteered to do the hard work of documenting all VarAC features so you can have a smooth ride. 


Larin Deutsch - Co-Developer

As a super young and talented developer, Larin is contributing code to the VarAC project.


Our brave Beta Lab Team

The following brave hamradio operators have decided to risk their lives and rigs so you can have a safe VarAC experience. 

Thank you guys for your continues support in this project!

Now please welcome our VarAC beta team (in alphabet order):


DM7RO - Malte Röwekamp

HB9AVK - Paul King

GW4OZU - Peter Hyams

IK5JRZ - Carlo CastellacciK7MHI - Kelly R. Keeton
LA5XTA - Erik Dahl
MW0RUH - Dave Thomas
N8SDR - Rick Langford

OE3FQU - Franz Muttenthaler 

PE1LUP - Marcel Tuerlings
SM7DUZ - Ingvar Eriksson

SV1GGY - George Stephanidis

SV1UY (M0SUY) - Dimitrios Valaris
VA7RBP - Rick Paynter
W1IZZ - Lawrence Gray
W2JON - Jon Bruno
W3RED - Scott Redd

W4HTP - Howard T Perry

WD4KAV - Joe Burnham

4Z5PE - Meir Green


Introducing our top-notch translators!

Let's extend a warm welcome to VarAC community members

dedicating their valuable time to translate VarAC into numerous languages,

contributing to the expansion of the VarAC community.


Serbian: YU1NKA/DM1NKA - Andreja Kostić 

German: OE3CRD - Christian Steger

Chinese: BH6ABO - Xiangtao Tao

Japanese: JA1VBN - Tetsuro Hanazawa

Slovak: OM8GRS - Marek Polak

Dutch: PE0CD - Chris Dekker

Italian:  IZ3XNJ - Stefano Comelli

Spanish: EA3OG - Luis A. del Molino

Estonian: ES2MA - Mart Rahno

Polish: SP5ISZ - Marek Kaminski

French: F1SFK - Hervé Courtois

Czech: OK9MET - Franta Vanek


Retired beta testers

K1DOW - Russ Tower

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