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Dec 01, 2024
In Feature requests - Archive
Automatic version for Vmail forwarding Hello everyone, I, like perhaps many others, have a very full Vmail inbox. Which is a good thing, as it is clear that VarAC has become quite popular and well used. I also retrieve a lot of Vmails because I can often only reply to some OMs in the USA / South America via relay. This works very well. But there could be improvements here. If you are waiting for a Vmail, an automatic attempt could be made to deliver the mail to the recipient instead of having to collect it manually from all over the world :-) For me personally, this is already turning into “work”,hi. A concept could look like this: You write a new Vmail, either deliver it directly manually or wait for the beacon from the other station. When it has been heard with sufficient signal (i.e. no delivery at -15db or so), a connection will be established. Both stations must have Auto QSY set to on. If the delivery of the Vmail is not successful, try again in 2 or 3 hours, provided the beacon has been heard. The interval should definitely not be too short (1 hour or less). If the remote station cannot be reached directly, i.e. “never”, you could enter the relay directly in an option field for the recipient. Example: I often have contact with KL7QR in Arizona, sometimes it works directly but often not. We now know that we can use KA3NAM and VO1CBL as very reliable relays. At this point you could enter the relay station as an option in the Vmail. Proceed as above. If KA3NAM is heard, then deliver the Vmail via KA3NAM. KA3NAM logically checks again whether it hears the beacon from KL7QR and then the procedure as above. I think this would be a great idea and would greatly reduce the manual effort, especially with Vmail. It would also certainly be an important and useful thing for EMCOM! In this situation, you´ll wont´t check every some minutes if a Vmail is waiting. Just deliver them as described above. 73 Andre / DL4QB
Automatic version for Vmail forwarding content media
Sep 30, 2024
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Just tried the 10.1 version with the new feature hamplay. Wow, that´s great. Tried my first match and lost,hi,hi! I could imagine, to play Chess over hf or VHF/UHF. Princip should be the same. To all others, try that HAMPLAY Button, that makes really fun!! 73 Andre / DL4QB
HAMPLAY, TNX Irad! content media
Jul 03, 2024
In Feature requests - Archive
Instead manually relaying Vmails, what about an intelligent Store and Forward of messages. Example: I connect a relay station and deliver my Vmail. The Vmail is now on "relaying" status there. Now, the Relay station will check periodically (once per hour) his own LH list and SNR. If the station is heard and the SNR is good enough, the Relay station will _active_ connect the adressed station and deliver the Vmail. Right now, i´m doing it manually if i use a Relay station. Why not give it more comfort? 73 Andre
Jul 03, 2024
In Feature requests
I use Vmail a lot the last couple of month and it makes fun!! I also use often other Stations as Relay. Seems it works so far. BUT i don´t know the delivery status about the Vmail from the relaying station. Could be it will deliverd in 24 hours, but could be also that is staying there for weeks. So my request would be, a new command for the Relay station. If i´d like to know, is my mail received and delivered, i´d like to connect the Relay station, enter a command like "check vmail" and the relay station will show all waiting (relaying) Vmails. Just like the LH command. 73 Andre
Jan 09, 2023
In Feature requests - Archive
Hi! I´d like to have a window or a part of the window in VaraC, where i can monitor the whole traffic to see what´s going on. Sometimes it is very helpful for analysis or to help a friend if something going wrong. Yes, there is a monitoring option in Vara HF Modem, but i can decode very seldom stations. It works, but just a view are decoded. Anyway, a small window within VaraC would be great (as a configurable option?) to see all the traffic on the frequency in "raw mode". In the Packet Radio age, the programs had always a window with "Monitor". TNX 73 Andre / DL4QB
Jan 08, 2023
In Schedule a VarAC QSO
Hi everybody! The 30m band is ideal for digital exchange, like other already do. Packet Radio , Robust Packet Radio, APRS and others. So, for testing options, my station is running on 30m this night and maybe other nights as well. So, try to connect or Vmail. 30m needs more VaraC :-)! 73 Andre
Jan 06, 2023
In Feature requests
Hi! I don´t know it that is really a bug but i could not get it done correctly. So, i use an Icom 9700 for the QO100 SAT operation with VaraC and the latest Rig Control file. In general it is running. BUT for the PSK Reporter and logfile, the settings are wrong. Example: My Icom 9700 is running on 23cm to the upconverter. So i have configured it with the Frequency file and the TRX also the program is following the frequency now and working fine. But log, PSKreporter and will see that as 160m does not matter if i add another .000 in the frequency file or not. Second: Please also think about an "virtual offset" what you can set like WSJTX. The real frequency where i´m sending is 2.400.105 MHz. With this settings, my Icom will work without any problems on 23cm to the upconverter (TX 2400 MHz from upconverter) and the log is 100% correct also the Pskinforeporter for TX on 2400 MHz. Further Information regarding the virtual offset: Many Thanks! 73 Andre / DL4QB
VaraC with SAT and Icom 9700 wrong Log and Band content media
Dec 06, 2022
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Since a while i´m using VaraC and i´m very happy with it. I also like the Broadcast functionality! Great! I head already real nice chat sessions with OMs all over the world. I´m thinking about to have a VARA FM station running here. I´ll try it with my buddy. So, keep going! I´looking forward to the further developement of VaraC! 73 Andre
Aug 27, 2022
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Hello @all! I´m a new user of VarAC and already the VarAC virus is set :-) I had already chats with some users and and it works really great. I like it so much because it is not FT8, just SNR Exchange and is very fast with the registered Version of VARA HF modem. What i discovered already, don´t implement features like the ping..i like that "automated" ping with SNR, but be careful that this mode will not an macro mode only like PSK31 in most of the time. Keep the real chat into the focus! 73 de Andre ... and looking forward to get the one or other on the air :-)


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