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Forum Comments

CQ Timer
In Bugs - Fixed
Nov 28, 2022
Single Calling Frequency
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Running VarAC (actually VARA) with an ANAN Radio
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
Sep 09, 2022
I was able to create a fairly stable setup with the resamplers on (Force boxes unticked). However, it takes a few minutes for them to initially stabilize or after any configuration change. I also had a few situations where the resamplers would destabilize in the middle of a VarAC QSO requiring they be turned off in order to continue. I use a test setup to connect my ANAN radios to my 7300 using attenuators that enable configuring the receive SNRs at any level. While there may be speech audio benefits to running the resamplers, using my test setup, I found no difference in packet error rate or maximum bit transfer rates while transferring large files. I also saw no difference using different types of Windows sound drivers from the older MME to newer ASIO. Also no difference with different types of virtual audio cables. With regard to SSB speech, I use the integrated audio codec in my ANAN radios to connect headphones and a mic to the jacks on the front. Probably not the best for the audiophile but communications audio is much less demanding than broadcast FM that some seem to want to achieve. I attribute the lack of difference in VARA performance to the power of the VARA modem using its forward error correction and ARQ to deal with minor audio glitches. When all other things are equal, I believe in keeping it simple. I run with the resamplers turned off. When the resamplers are off, the only VAC parameter sill in effect is the Buffer Size which does impact latency a little but not enough that VARA cares. I set mine to 256.
Embed Name
In Feature requests - Released
Jul 31, 2022
Log File
In VarAC - HF discussion forum


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