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Forum Comments
VarAC for macOS
In VarAC on Linux/Pi/Mac
Unhandled exception occurred in V5.3.1
In Bugs - Fixed
QTH & Locator from GPS position
In Feature requests
15m band operator
In Schedule a VarAC QSO
Jul 28, 2022
Thanks for my first VarAC QSO on 15 Luiz, will be QRV on 15 more often!
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
Xiegu G90 PTT issue, PTT not released
In Bugs - Fixed
No UI at startup on Windows 11 Pro
In Bugs - Archive
IC-7300 and 14.105 Mhz
In VarAC - HF discussion forum
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