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TS-590 correction to INI File -- USB_D not switching to USB
In Bugs - Fixed
Aug 02, 2022
Thank you. That answered the question... In the TS-590, mode (USB/etc) and Data/not are at the band level. To my reading of the log (below), it sets mode/data (MD2/DA1) and then changes frequency (FA#####). So the MD2/DA1 are working but on the prior band. 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Debug mode enabled 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading COM Port configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading Cat Commands configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading Rig Control Commands from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading OmniRig configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading DTR_RTS Port configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading VARA modem configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading My Info file 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - FREQ Schedule off 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Loading parking schedule 02/08/2022 14:48:27 - Locating Misc configuration from ini file 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - Enabling CAT frequency read 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - End of Load_configuration 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - Cat command (TEXT): FA; 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - Opening com port 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:28 - CAT result after echo stripping: 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Changing frequency: user selection from dropdown menu. 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Frequency converted value:00007105000 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Cat command (TEXT): MD2;DA1; 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Cat command (TEXT): FA00007105000; 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Change combobox freq text to: 7.105.000 02/08/2022 14:48:30 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2022 14:48:31 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Cat command (TEXT): FA; 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - CAT result after echo stripping: 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Changing frequency: user selection from dropdown menu. 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Frequency converted value:00003595000 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Cat command (TEXT): MD2;DA1; 02/08/2022 14:48:32 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - Cat command (TEXT): FA00003595000; 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - Change combobox freq text to: 3.595.000 02/08/2022 14:48:33 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2022 14:48:34 - Cat command (TEXT): FA; 02/08/2022 14:48:34 - Writing to com port 02/08/2022 14:48:34 - CAT cmd result: 02/08/2022 14:48:34 - CAT result after echo stripping: 02/08/2022 14:48:34 - Change combobox freq color 02/08/2022 14:48:35 - Change combobox freq color
TS-590 correction to INI File -- USB_D not switching to USB
In Bugs - Fixed
TS-590 correction to INI File -- USB_D not switching to USB
In Bugs - Fixed


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